Saturday, February 23, 2013

day 4

still feeling awesome! 

Went to the Farmer's Market this morning, such a great learning experience for both my son and I!  He was able to pay for the goods and receive change and I didn't feel pressured to get out of the way so the next customer could get on with their day.  I don't want to home school my kids because I want them to experience it, but I've always wanted my kids to know I was their 1st teacher.  When I was in elementary school the teacher asked us who our 1st teacher was and I said, "Mrs. Horton" and when I learned the correct answer was my mom & dad, I decided then that I wanted my kids to KNOW I was their 1st teacher. 

smoothie of the day

1 banana
1 handful spinach
1 scoop protein powder
1/4 seedless watermelon
handful frozen strawberries
handful frozen blueberries

 It's been a busy day filled with birthday parties and sunshine, I'm beat.

I have decided I want to start a movement..

Friday, February 22, 2013

day 3

I survived day 2..YAY!  I am now burning fat instead of carbs, for the most part.  I feel awesome!  One day of lethargy for a lifetime of joyous energy, well worth it!!

7:00pm - I've been running errands all day and I still have energy to clean the house after the boys go the bed.
9:00pm - still up and feeling good.

Got a few grass fed meats that I'm excited to try and tonight I'm making my 1st bone broth, it smells really good!  I'm planning to make beef stew.

Bone Broth

4.46 lbs of beef bones
4.5 quarts water
23 peppercorns (that's how many fell into my hand)
5 bay leaves
1 large white onion
4 celery ribs
25 baby carrots

Should have read this 1st!  Next time.

Keep on truckin' sista!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

day 2

Breakfast:  Protein smoothie
Lunch:  Fruit & veggie smoothie
snack:  f&v smoothie 
dinner:  protein smoothie

8:00am - I stayed up at 2:00am..I'm tired today.  I was feeling so good and I didn't want it to end...

20 min exercise (Outkast is my workout favorite..I'M SO FRESH & SO CLEAN, how can you not feel good about yourself?!) 

3:00pm - Feeling very lethargic, but not tired.  I was able to lay down in my son's bed and cover and not fall asleep, believe me, that's sayin something!  I was expecting to feel foggy today & I did not disappoint..

8:00pm - fell asleep for 2-3 hours, now I'm up at 1:40am..BOOO!

Today's smoothies

1 cucumber
1/2 cantaloupe
1 cup strawberries fresh & 1 cup frozen
1 cup frozen blueberries
3 kiwi's......meh, chucky. 

1 small banana
1-2 cups spinach
1 tbl hemp seeds
1 tbl chia seeds
1 scoop vanilla whey protein powder

1/2 mango
1 cup watermelon (my new favorite thing to add!)
1 cup frozen strawberries
1 cup fozen blueberries

I survived day 2..barely, but I did it.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

day 1: Paleo, primal, whole, real (or in my mind, healthy) lifestyle.

This is my 3rd or 4th serious attempt at this new life style.  Though I have woken up many a day thinking, "Today I'm really gonna do it!"

I'm reading and finding it interesting and well formatted.

I HIIT-ed (or would it be HAT?) for 10 min with warm up and about 20 min of exercise.
I ate a protein smoothie for breakfast.
Half a grilled chicken breast & (maybe a cup or two, I'm not much for measurement) cantaloupe for lunch.
Baked Salmon (7 oz) and steamed asparagus for dinner.

4:00pm - I can already tell that I'm less bloated and have more energy than usual at this time of day.
7:00pm - Still have more energy than usual, but I'm ready to sit down and read or cross stitch or something that doesn't involve standing ;-)
12:00am - still up's strange, I feel like I've taken some kind of upper.  And my libido has definitely returned, I didn't even realize I had lost it.  feeling even less bloated.

I owned day 1!!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

today was less than I expected.

I went to bed last night thinking today would be one of the best days, ever.  I was a good primal eater all day.  I washed my face, flossed & brushed and got into bed with a book before 9pm.  Lights out before 11pm.  Check. Check. Check.  Good job, mom!

I woke up achy and grumpy.  Didn't work out.  Bitterly got in the shower and ready for a play date with B's school mates.  Got everyone packed up and in the car..late..tank on E, SHIZA!  Arrive late and it is cold and windy so the other mom's are going to CFA (B's favorite place) but we have already made other plans.  He asked me why we couldn't go to CFA and I explained to him that we already made other plans and you want to keep your word.  But, why? But, why? But, why?  Why does it matter so much what others think of us?  I've spent my life attempting to make everyone around me comfortable and happy, to my own demise.  Everyone around me (excluding Jason and the boys) seems disappointed in me and I've been wallowing in my own poor self-esteem, self-pity, depression, whatever, so obviously I failed.   I was unable to keep everyone around me content, sacrificing myself was not worth it.  But what is really chapping my hind, why do I care what those people think of me.  I'm willing to bet what they are seeing is not me.  I think, I've forgotten her too.  I do remember her being not so bad and I miss her.  If I'm allowing other people to determine the perception of me, what am I doing?  I wouldn't allow a stranger into my house, why do I allow them into my body, into my vision of myself and allow them to take the drivers seat and drive me in endless circles.  Why not just drive into the wall?  At least I would have exhibited some choice.

Went to lunch twice today, the 1st place I didn't eat and I found myself pitying the people around me filling their bodies with such garbage.  2nd lunch was a soup and salad buffet, I did fairly well.  I ate on small muffin.  Got home, more i find myself writing this entry while drinking a soda and eating little orange colored fish.  I'm already noticeably bloated.  Now I want a cigarette, haven't thought about them in days but now I want one super badly.  I hate my habits...but I wouldn't trade them for anyone else's! 

take control of your life.
tomorrow will be.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

parent teacher conference

I had a parent teacher conference for my eldest today.  They think he has a speech delay, I looked it up and I would have to agree that it's likely that he has problems with articulation.  I want to help him at home but I worry that I'm not qualified to help him with his speech.  Jason would say I know it, I just need to remind myself.  My husband is very serious about home-schooling, but I'm not yet convinced.  I always really liked school and want my kids to experience the social environment..I guess I mean, girls were quite mean when I was young and I can't imagine they have changed much.  It's the hormones rushing around their innocent little bodies.  His teacher said he was very smart and doing great with his gross motor skills, but needed to work on settling down for nap time, even though he doesn't need to sleep and he needs to develop his fine motor skills, I suggested we make play doh tomorrow and we can go OUTSIDE to play with it!  ;-)  I took the time today to lay down in the grass and look at the clouds, its been a really long time since I did that..I liked it!!  I am coming into a really amazing place and I'm super EXCITED!!  I have absolutely no idea where we are going or how we are getting there but we're going and it's going to be the best experience of my (and hopefully Jason's) life.  I can't remember the last time I was so excited to see what tomorrow has to offer!

Today is day 2 of seriously eliminating processed foods and grains.  Yesterday I was really tired and had to take a nap during the afternoon which affected my ability to go to sleep last night.  Today I feel great I had plenty of energy to clean up the house and now before bed I'm spending time on the computer trying to free my mind of the things that like to creep in after dark.  Instead of feeling sorry for myself in front of the tv.  I've been exercising in the morning for about 2 weeks and I feel good.  I believe if I keep up with this plan I will reach my goal weight in 2 weeks and likely save my family from a lifetime of pain!!!  I hate to feel like such a 'sheeple' but what the primal diet says makes sense to me and I deserve the body I have always wanted!  I AM SPECIAL AND I AM AWESOME!!  I think I'm going to do some yoga tonight..I miss it!   It is a lot more satisfying when you don't have belly fat preventing you from doing the positions correctly.  Done and Done!  I'm not sure what to do with myself..I don't need to go to bed until 10:30..what have I been wasting my precious time on?!  BS, I'm sure! 

Off to read the 21 day primal plan.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

average jane.

I fell off the wagon again and got into a severely depressed state. 

I have been BodyRocking in the morning for about 2 weeks and I recently had a stomach virus that helped me lose 7 lbs (2in around my waist) in that time.  A BIG THANK YOU TO THE STOMACH VIRUS!!!  It was a nice jump start back into the healthy lifestyle that I want to lead.  I have also been attempting to go Paleo during the last 4's tough, very tough!  Today I'm pretty sure I experienced what they call a 'carb crash', I had to take a nap.  Surprisingly, I'm finding that I miss soda more than grains and I drank a coke tonight with dinner.  I found it unsatisfying; the carbonation was unsettling, so weird, considering how much I long for it.  The whole experience..the flavor, fizz, and caffeine, SO GOOD!!  My friend Richard forwarded me this video on sugar..very eye opening and I highly recommend it to anyone seeking information regarding their health. 

Today I feel confident in the health aspect of my life..I am using the patch to quit smoking, I'm exercising, drinking water instead of soda (my complexion is already improving) and attempting to maintain a 'Paleo' diet.  I'm still going to eat what we have in the house, but I will replace items with Paleo friendly alternatives when necessary.  For now, meat is meat and eggs are eggs. 

My boys are the inspiration for all of the upcoming changes in my life.  I am going to create a  healthy and happy environment for them to grow into men and I can't wait!!  Currently, my living situation is less than family and I live with my retired mother, as well as, a friend of the family.  We live in a house, but I am definitely ready to have a space for my immediate family alone.  I need to focus on my husband and children, as they are the most important thing to me.  I am putting 1st and doing what I know, is the best thing for all of us.  I am moving my family out of town on April 1st and I have absolutely no idea how that is going to be accomplished?!  It scares me and puts a knot in my stomach.  I know it will happen and I am super excited!!!

CHEERS!!!  to the life you have always's waiting for you!!